
venerdì, aprile 23, 2004

La ecología es el tema de hoy gracias a un "forward" de mi amiga Bertha Herrera. Cabe señalar que no soy partidario del envío de "forwards", pero en este caso era para una buena causa. En México muchos vimos la noticia de la matanza de focas en Canadá a través de los noticieros. Ahora podemos hacer algo para demostrar nuestra postura en contra de semejante atrocidad contra la naturaleza. Por favor visiten la página de la IFAW y envíen la petición correspondiente al gobierno canadiense, y ya estando ahí porque no ayudar a las ballenas y otros animales. Hagámoslo, está a sólo un click de distancia y quizá haga una diferencia.
En otros temas, ayer presente mi examen TOEFL Institucional.

Ecology is today topic thanks to a "forward" from my friend Bertha Herrera. It should be noted that I'm not in favor of sending "forwards", but in this case it was for a good cause. In Mexico many of us learned about the seal hunt in Canada in the news. Now we can do something to demonstrate our position against such an atrocity against nature. Please visit the IFAW page and send the corresponding petition to the Canadian government, and since you're already there why not help the whales and other animals. Let's do it, it's just a click away and maybe it'll make a difference.
In other topics, yesterday I took my Institutional TOEFL exam.

Traduzione italiana dopo...

lunedì, aprile 19, 2004

Hoy agregé el clima, fue muy fácil y espero que no cause problemas. La información es del lugar en dónde vivo actualmente.

Today I added the wheater, it was very easy and I hope it won't cause problems. The information is of the place I currently live in.

Oggi ho aggiunto il clima, e stato molto facile e aspetto che non cause problemi. L'informazione è del posto nel qual vivo in questo momento.

venerdì, aprile 02, 2004

Hoy he creado mi cuenta de PayPal y como se puede ver a la derecha ya pueden hacer sus donativos = ). Hay mucho que contar de esta semana, pero no me siento con mucho ánimo de escribir. ¿Será que comienzan las vacaciones? Felices vacaciones a todos y si son de Zacatecas no falten al Festival Cultural Zacatecas 2004.

Today I've created my PayPal account and as you can see at right you now can make your donations = ). There are lots to tell about this week, but I don't feel writting spirit today. May it be because of the vacations? Happy vacations to everybody and if you are from Zacatecas don't skip the Festival Cultural Zacatecas 2004.

Oggi ho creato il mio abbonamento di PayPal e come si può vedere a destra potete ancora fare le vostre donazioni = ). C'è molto da raccontare questa settimana, ma non mi sento con molti animi di scrivere. Sarà che cominciano le vacanze? Buone vacanze a tutti e si ci sono da Zacatecas non mancate al Festival Cultural Zacatecas 2004.

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